All are WARMLY WELCOMED! It is never the same group of women. Please RSVP and come!
Date: Sunday January 12th CANCELLED Due to Family Medical Issues, To Be rescheduled.
Time: 4:00-8:00ish
Bring: A healthy snack / side dish / dessert / or beverage
Location: Seeking a host home for this meeting
Facilitator: Rae Lynn
Book: POWER: A Woman's Guide to Living and Leading Without Apology by Kemi Nekvapil
Blending inspiring stories with reflective coaching practices, Kemi's bestselling book POWER provides the tools to navigate the challenges that impact who we are, from discrimination and burnout to trauma and self-doubt.
“it is the vividness and frankness of her personal recollections that helps to lift this book above the usual run of self-help books on women’s empowerment.”
Kemi Nekvapil structures her advice to women on how to live and lead without apology— how to ask for “what they need and want”—around what she sees as the five essential elements of power, or rather POWER; “POWER as Presence, Ownership, Wisdom, Equality and Responsibility.” ~ New York Journal of Books Reviewer, Jane Haile